Watches »
Things learned today:
- Not too much to include today. On watches:
- Need a spring bar tool or a small flathead screwdriver to remove a strap.
- End pieces are little metal flaps used for a flush finish. They make it hard to remove a spring bar.
- Never try to undo the middle part of a metal band because you won’t get it back together.
- BeautifulSoup: Easy to use, example script to retrieve URLs below.
- Not too much to include today. On watches:
Quantopian, Jekyll, Boggs, and Body Language »
Things learned today:
- Playing around with Quantopian for next month’s contest.
- Using fetcher for live trading is difficult, and doubly so for the contest. You need a pre-function to adjust the start date on the CSV, otherwise it will only work in either backtests or live trading.
- It is possible to create an algo based on a data feed from Quandl.
- Exploring the possibilities of Jekyll some more.
- Customized the footer, learned about layouts (HTML templates in the _layouts folder).
- Learned how to remove file extensions from a URL (Stick multiple index.html files into folders).
- Based on Josh’s design, created an archive page and added Google Analytics.
- Also followed his advice to shorten blog post URLs (Jekyll docs).
- Modified index.html to display content of posts on the front page because I like it more.
- Found a subreddit on body language. Interesting techniques:
- Using rapport tests such as glancing at watch or touching hair. Mirroring gestures for rapport.
- Diffusing dominance respectfully by circling behind speaker to change the subject.
- Infographic on psychological space, sharing object of attention to build rapport.
- Book recommendation: What Every Body is Saying
- Reading about the life of JSG Boggs, an artist who creates counterfeit bank notes as art.
- A historical and more fraudulent comparison is Emmanuel Ninger.
- Art appraisals are generally not worthwhile unless it is a large value. Bonham’s offers free appraisals. Otherwise look for galleries selling comparable art pieces.
- Enable spell check for markdown in Sublime Text.
- Playing around with Quantopian for next month’s contest.
Web Scraping »
Things learned today:
- From minimaxir’s blog post:
- Kimono Labs offers a nice option to make web scraping easier.
- In the case of BuzzFeed, it was unusable because of a 10-page archive limit.
- BeautifulSoup with Mechanize is a more flexible option. (Guide)
- From minimaxir’s blog post:
Welcome »
Welcome to my new blog inspired by John. It is a collection of things I learn each day for personal use.
Things learned today:
- How to create a blog with Jekyll and how to host said blog on GitHub Pages.
- Needed to create a new repo, install jekyll there, and create a new branch (gh-pages).
- Will need to both build and commit (to correct branch) with each post.
- Unordered lists need a space after the bullet point in markdown.
- How to use Build System in Sublime Text, configured with Chrome to replace View in Browser.
- From patio11:
- SheetJS is a pretty cool way to make .csv imports easy.
- GenerateData can be used to generate random datasets easily.
- OSS projects should have commercial license fees instead of donations.
- How to create a blog with Jekyll and how to host said blog on GitHub Pages.