
  • 2/6/16 »

    Things learned since last post:

  • 11/09 »

    Things learned since last post:

    • Cool word watch: Prurient - Having or encouraging an excessive interest in sexual matters. from Latin prurient- ‘itching, longing’ and ‘being wanton,’ from the verb prurire.
    • Profile on Terry Gross.
    • Class clown or gifted student?
    • Profile on Ashima and her father.
    • Dive into Machine Learning!
    • TensorFlow, Google’s new library for machine learning.
    • Learning to center with Flexbox froggy.
    • Some interesting things:
      • Try removing the shopping cart completely from an e-commerce store if possible.
      • For emotion-driven purchases, remove the cents ($15). For logic-driven, add them ($14.95).
    • The life and times of Strider Wolf.
    • Opinion piece on how chill is the enemy of passion.
    • Does psychological trauma affect the price of a home?
    • The Chinese owned lingerie market of Egypt.
    • A life without raw chicken.
    • Running an arcade in 2015.
    • On kindness.
    • The world of re-commerce.
    • Most marketers don’t care about statistics - or how A/B testing is a sham.
    • The hardest part of programming is troubleshooting.
    • Beginner’s guide to scaling with AWS.
    • Sketch - an alternative to Photoshop for web design.
    • Donald Rumsfeld gets into the app game market.
  • 10/30 »

    Things learned since last post:

  • 7/10 »

    Things learned since last post:

    • Cool word watch: Recrudescence - The revival of material or behavior that had previously been stabilized, settled, or diminished.
    • The difference between functions and methods in Javascript is mostly semantic. Even if a function is associated with an object, it really isn’t a method because it doesn’t belong to the object.
    • How to create a constant as an object property in JS.
    • Nuances in iterating over arrays.
    • The Doum-Tree of Wad Hamid. Thesis: there is enough room in the world for both tradition and modernization. New development does not necessitate the destruction of the past.
    • Classes in Javascript are optional, and aren’t really the same as in other languages. In JS, class = copy.
    • Relative polymorphism is the idea that any method can reference another method at a higher level of the inheritance hierarchy. In JS, this is through the inherited keyword. For many other languages, it is super.
    • From PG on essays - “The Meander (aka Menderes) is a river in Turkey. As you might expect, it winds all over the place. But it doesn’t do this out of frivolity. The path it has discovered is the most economical route to the sea.”
    • A Little Cloud by Joyce. Jealousy makes someone look upon their own life with a tint of loathing.
    • Why VR will bring back the arcade.
    • Do social networks reduce the diversity of the web? I’m not sure the author is correct but it is an interesting idea.
    • Interesting Quora answer linked below. Define mastery goals, not performance ones, For difficult problems.

    Read Edmond Lau's answer to What are the best tricks to keep yourself motivated? on Quora

  • 7/4 »

    Things learned since last post:

    • Cool word watch: Anaphora - The use of a word referring to or replacing a word used earlier in a sentence, to avoid repetition, such as do in “I like it and so do they.”
    • List of free programming books.
    • Free official Raspberry Pi magazine.
    • Press coverage for a tech startup.
    • How to make open offices suck less.
    • Life as a clown in 2015.
    • Facebook Messenger enables location sharing by default.
    • The death of Dean Potter.
    • The woes of American recycling.
    • Easily retrieve Youtube view data via the API.
    • The best time of day for a variety of tasks at work. A guide to happiness at work.
    • Tips for using Python with Sublime Text.
    • Cool apps of the week: Jobstart & First Opinion
    • From PG: Full phrase is “a word to the wise is sufficient.” How to go from rich to poor. Rephrase of note 2 below.
      • Those who grew up during the Great Depression certainly had a tough time. They were able to achieve remarkable things given the adversity they had to face. This reflects a basic truth about humanity - that people tend to rise to the occasion if necessary. Faced with similar obstacles and tested to their limits, I believe that other generations of Americans would be able to surmount equally difficult challenges and ultimately succeed.
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