- Antibiotics not becoming ineffective from overuse, but from use of cleaning agents, toothpaste, etc.
- A profile of cruise ship entertainers
- Lego searching for environmentally friendly plastic
- Sun Microsystems cofounder Vinod Khosla tries to protect property rights on principle from his purple lair. Also recommends book Lying by Sam Harris
- History of watermelon racist stereotype: it emerged after the Civil War when free black people grew, ate, and sold watermelons, and in doing so made the fruit a symbol of their freedom. Southern whites, threatened by blacks’ newfound freedom, responded by making the fruit a symbol of black people’s perceived uncleanliness, laziness, childishness, and unwanted public presence.
- Market segmentation explained
- Don’t ever offer an Unlimited price tier
- List prices on your website, don’t allow reverse segmenting to happen
- DavidFoster Wallace
- Science of sleep
- Coding zines and interactive explanations
- Why you should throw your children’s art away
- Ticketmaster enabling scalpers to succeed with its TradeDesk platform.
- Effect of a $15 minimum wage in California - no sources cited